Thursday, December 22, 2016


The Holidays are upon us and by now your done?
Shopping and gifts wrapped, decided on the menu and gifts heading away already shipped?
Oh well, if not, better late then never.
Without small ones around I feel it's pretty simple.
Put up a tree and wreath and get the food and drinks,
fill a vase with fresh holly, fill the candy dishes and call it a day!
I am one for mailing out Christmas cards, I love that task.
This year to date I have five cards? Usually I have already 
received around thirty!HUM? Either people
moved, passed on or simply aren't snail mailing? It's not only
me this year, many friends have said the same, wonder why?Cost of stamps?
Honestly, I feel birthdays are truly special.
Christmas to me is a gathering of a nice meal and drink and desert with those you care about, be it family and or friends.
Once everyone leaves,
I welcome an afternoon of a few hours to read, as I always get a book or two.
Eggnog & maybe and a nap! 
Try to remain calm and enjoy the moments, and I do hope for a little snow!
Happy Holidays-Debra

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